22 sept 2009

Midnight Milkshake Reflection

There are always these silent self-discovering instants where our most significant unforgettable memories collide, and together they make a muti-flavored milkshade in our heads. Possibly bittersweet, but surely thick and complex. The problem comes when we want these different flavors tasted in different moments in life to be mixed all at once in a huge blender and still don´t expect a vomitive drink as a result.
Tonight I take these minutes to think about my milkshake, about the flavors I still haven´t tasted, and how I feel ready to add the ones to come.For all that matters, that´s exactly why recipes were invented, to choose the ones we like and create the greatest God damn milkshake we want to drink.

1 comentario:

Fabiana D'Alba dijo...

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard jajaja
So true hun, so true!
